Saturday, June 26, 2010

Color Code, Arrange, Label, Shelve

My life is like my Pantry.

There is a certain order to things, but if you look hard enough, you could find Dust. Efficiency and Deficiency share a shelf on the left side at about eye level while the Blender and Coffeemaker cuddle on the lower shelf, peering from below with seditious eyes.

Clutter Flutter:

There's some stuff in there that I got on sale, that I still haven't tried.

There are some new seasonings I thought would make me a Capital C for Chef... but they didn't work, so now they're taking up space.

Imaginary Helpful Tips & Tricks:

There's a broom! I feel good. But I really need a Mop. So instead of mopping, I wipe with Paper Towel. But there are no paper towels in my Pantry. The Paper Towels are under the sink. (It made sense at the time.)

There's a stepping stool to see what's on the highest shelf, but no flashlight so I can see or acknowledge what's on the bottom in the corner.

The Metamorphosis Within:

The things I like, self-duplicate with little to no effort what-so-ever. I have full confidence that I will never run out of them. Like popcorn. And Raisen Bran.

There are things we need that I don't like, but I get because someone else likes them. These, too, go in the Pantry alongside the things of greater Value. These things I don't like, I run out of. Somehow I knew enough to get them the first time, but I fail to recognize when I'm lacking in them.

I cannot go on without mentioning that there is a very tiny spot for the things that I Really like. It's a tiny spot because it is also a Hiding Spot. I need to hide them for two reasons. 1. They have a special place in my heart. 2. They have a not-so-special place under my skin.

Inventory Shminventory:

Some things are in my Pantry, and I have no idea how they got in there.

Some things were supposed to be in there, and I have "no idea" how they went missing.

"Under Construction" :

Didn't I just fix that? Didn't I just move this? How did it get back over there?! The answer: It has a mind of its own. Moving. Switching. Removing. Ditching. Packaging and unpacking. Sometimes I take the detour around the Construction area because I'm on a schedule and have no time for this. Other times, I plow through without realizing that the speed fines double. Once or twice I would have benefited from procuring the required hard hat because the falling objects were bound to hit at least some part of me.

Attitude or Gratitude?:

One thing I know for sure is that my Pantry is a place I can't avoid. It's condition relies solely on my Disposition.

"My Pantry's not a place, it's an Attitude."

Yeah, yeah, yeah...I'll think about that next week.