Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Having things removed

Today I am going to see a plastic surgeon.

That makes me laugh. Sounds a dream come true! Hah!

Well, I just have this darkening mole or freckle or whatever you want to call it that is right in my hairline, and my family doctor thought it should be removed. He thinks it's kind of tricky because it's in my I go to the plastic surgeon.

Since this could be the last time I'm visiting a plastic surgeon...I should enjoy it while I can.

If only it were so easy to remove things I don't need from my life.
Being quick to speak. Slow to listen.
Wish I could just go to the Sin Surgeon and have that removed. Oh wait...I can.

Zech. 3:9 "...and I will remove the sin of this land in a single day."

1 comment:

essie said...

ah, the sweet power of the blood of Christ.