Thursday, January 7, 2010

JUMP. (and don't look down...)

"I trust God"
is really quite easy to say.
But NOT so easy to do.

Practically's easy to say anything. Because saying something doesn't require acting upon it when you're not being honest with yourself. If you wish to stay in the comfortable appearance of "trusting God" without fully committing to what that means, then stop reading here.
(Come back when you mean it.)

I'd like to suggest that "trusting" God is not a state of mind, but rather it is an act of the will. Your will. My will.

After all, how can we truly trust someone, without the "leap" over the edge of your "presumed" security (I say "presumed" because all the security we can provide for ourselves is)?

Who told us that trusting God would be EASY and why have we believed that there is something wrong when it isn't easy? I'd like to suggest that there is something wrong when you are comfortable in your "trust." I'd like to suggest that trust is not comfortable until you are fully not reliant on yourself.

Yeah, yeah, I trust You God...
But don't ask me to do that.
And don't ask me to say that.
And don't ask me to go there.
Or deal with this.
Because I am not prepared for Your plans.
And I'm too weak to face the outcome if it turns out to be difficult.
Or scary.
Or causes change in my life.
I don't really like change, God. You know that.
I trust You to make my choices transform into the best You have for me.
And I trust You to do things my way.
And, you know I can trust You
to let me control You.

Is that even close to trust? Let's be honest. You either trust Him or you don't. There's no middle ground here. God wants everything. everything.

"But I just can't. I'm just too weak to trust in God."

Who said you had to be strong in order to trust in someOne else? It's only when you are weak and needy that you can draw from His stability. He's the only One who knows what is best for you. No, you can't see it all the time. You wouldn't have to trust Him if you could see what is coming in the next month.

What this means for me personally is that I choose to take each thing that comes at me as though it were directed by the hand of God. After all, if He's not surprised by it, then why should I be? What I choose to do is seek Him in it. See what He's saying, what He's doing, and seek how I can grow and change and lean more fully on His Reputation.

"I know your deeds;
you have a reputation of being alive,
but you are dead."
(Rev. 3:1)

Let's stand up and stir ourselves up. Strengthen what little remains. I pray that your faith would be increased and your confidence would be set in Him. His yoke is easy and His burden is light.

Sometimes our own burdens feel strangely "good" because they are familiar and we can convince ourselves that we "deserve" them. But the Bible says that the TRUTH will set you free.

How free are you?

When you trust the One who created the wind to carry you, you will fly. He has amazing things planned for you this year. Hold fast.

1 comment:

essie said...

amen. thank you for this. you have no idea how much it means to me for today!!