Thursday, February 5, 2009

Painting with BLUE

I still remember one of the saddest poems I ever heard (from a pizza commercial). It started with a small child, who walked out of darkness under a solitary spotlight as though doing a monologue on stage. Her eyes, her voice, the hole in her heart...commanded my attention as though it were real...

"I am a gaping void
where loneliness resides
The song in my heart
Turns mournful
and off-key
Where have you gone?
Where have you gone?"

It reminds me of something I read in a book about modifying your child's behavior that an unhappy child is a healthy child. It seems paradoxical, but they said it because they feel that:
"unhappiness motivates change."
True enough. That knowledge has often changed the way I view temper tantrums. Instead of feeling sad as I walk away, I know that it is a pivitol moment forming their future choices.

But child behavior is not my point. My point is adult behavior. More specifically, my behavior. When I feel sad, is it just a self-pityful, whiny, temper tantrum? Or am I using it for the basis to motivate change within me.

Another cup of coffee
mind swirling
around the mug
Another attempt to bury
emotions curling
just needing a hug

Don't be threatened by thoughts
just change them
exchange them
renew the BLUE
with thoughts of Who
can rearrange them.


essie said...

i totally remember that commercial. :)

Anonymous said...

That is Beautiful.